Addition Of 4 Digit With Regrouping What is Vertical Addition? Vertical addition is when we write numbers on top of each other, with each digit aligned in its column (ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands), and then add them column by column. Here’s how we can explain it in a simple and detailed manner. Example 1: […]

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Addition Of Three Digit With Regrouping For Kids Let’s go through 3-digit addition in vertical form with some examples that are easy for kids to understand. Steps to Add 3-Digit Numbers in Vertical Form Write the numbers in vertical form: Place the numbers one below the other, aligning the digits according to their place value […]

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Lines of symmetry in a regular Rhombus What is a Rhombus? A rhombus is a quadrilateral whose all the sides are of equal in length, opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal. In other words, a rhombus is a parallelogram with adjacent sides of equal length. What is line of symmetry ? The […]

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Vertical Line: Definition, Formula, Equation, Properties and Examples What is a Vertical Line? French Mathematician Rene Descartes trying to solve the problem of describing the position of a point on a plane with the Cartesian coordinate system and the cartesian plane. In Cartesian coordinate system, we derive a vertical and a horizontal line. When we […]

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Right Angle – Definition, Example and Properties What is a right angle? When two straight lines are perpendicular to each other or intersect at 90º, they form a right angle. A right angle is represented by the symbol L. In our daily life we can see many real-life examples of the right angles. We can […]

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              Frequency Polygon  A frequency polygon is very similar to a histogram and represents the graphical form of data. A frequency polygon is used to show a cumulative frequency distribution or compare to sets of data.  In a frequency polygon the number of observations is marked at the the midpoint […]

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             Type of Bar Graphs  In this lesson, we will learn about bar graph or bar chart. We also focus on the different type of bar graphs, definition of bar graph how to create bar graphs. A graphical representation of data, in which bars show comparisons between categories of data.A […]

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 Problems and Solutions Percentage wise distribution of players who play four different games are given in below pie graph and total number of players are 1200. Example1: What is the total number of players who play cricket and rugby? Solution: Total number of players are 1200, Percentage of players who play cricket = 12% Percentage of players who play rugby […]

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Plot Points on Cartesian Coordinate System Example: Plot the point (2, 3) and identify its position in which quadrant is located. First we will place a dot at the intersection of X and Y axis, which is the center of the Cartesian coordinate and known as the origin. From the origin, move 2 units going right. Our point is […]

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    Cartesian Coordinate System  Cartesian Coordinate system developed in seventeenth century by Rene Descartes the great French philosopher and mathematician. Cartesian Coordinate system, also called rectangular Coordinate system and used to position of points on a two dimensional or three dimensional plane.  Let’s briefly learn about Cartesian Coordinate system.           Cartesian Coordinate plane The plane is called Cartesian plane […]

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