Introduction – Pie Chart   Here we will discuss in brief about construction of a Pie Chart or Pie Graph from given data. Let us see what is a pie chart or pie graph. A “pie graph or (pie chart)” is a circular chart divided into sectors, each sector represents a proportionate part of a whole. […]

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Complement of a Set Definition:  The complement of a set A, is set of all elements of universal set, which are not the elements of A. Let U be the Universal set and A is subset of U, then the “Complement of A” is set of all elements of U which are not the elements of A. […]

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Grouping of Data In this lesson we will learn about the grouping of data. Grouped data are data that has been organized in groups known as classes. Grouped data has been classified and a data class is group of data. Consider the marks obtain by 15 students in a history test as given below, 23, […]

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How to Find Median Value of Odd and Even Set of Data In this lesson we will learn how to calculate the median of a data set, when data set has odd and even numbers or observations. To learn the median of a data set, first we should understand what is median. (You can learn […]

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              Frequency Polygon  A frequency polygon is very similar to a histogram and represents the graphical form of data. A frequency polygon is used to show a cumulative frequency distribution or compare to sets of data.  In a frequency polygon the number of observations is marked at the the midpoint […]

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             Type of Bar Graphs  In this lesson, we will learn about bar graph or bar chart. We also focus on the different type of bar graphs, definition of bar graph how to create bar graphs. A graphical representation of data, in which bars show comparisons between categories of data.A […]

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Find Mode by Histogram  In this tutorial, we will learn, how to find mode of a given observation with the help of a histogram. First we know about mode. What is mode? Definition:  The mode of a data set is the value, occurring most frequently in set of observations. In other words, a data set having highest […]

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