Law of Exponents In this chapter, we will study about law of exponents. What is an Exponent? When a number repeatedly multiplied by itself, multiple times is known as Exponent. For example: p raised to q means that p is multiplied by itself q times. = pq = p x p x p x p […]

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Area – Definition – Formula – Example let’s dive into the concept of area in math with a comprehensive explanation, formula, examples, and units. Definition Area is the amount of space inside the boundary of a two-dimensional shape. It is measured in square units, which represent the number of squares of a given size that […]

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Universal algebra is a field of mathematics that studies algebraic structures and the general principles that apply to them. It aims to understand and formalize the common features and behaviors of different types of algebraic systems, such as groups, rings, fields, lattices, and more. Here’s a detailed explanation of the key concepts in universal algebra: […]

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Multiplying Variables with Exponents – Rule – Examples Multiplication of variables with exponents In this tutorial, we will learn the multiplication of variable with exponents. If the base of a term is a variable, we use the same rules of multiplication that are used for numbers. When the variable bases are same, the powers are […]

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Multiplying Exponents with Square Roots In this tutorial, we will learn the multiplication of exponents, where bases have a square root. When multiplying square roots that contain exponents, we can rewrite the term with a rational exponent. The square root of a positive number (√a) can be expressed as a rational exponent and (√a) = […]

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Multiplying Exponents with Difference Bases and Difference Powers When exponents with different bases and different powers are multiplied, so each exponent is evaluated separately and then multiplied. Mathematically it can be written as, am x bn = (a)m x (b)n  Let two exponents with different bases and powers is am and bⁿ. Here a and b are the different bases […]

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Multiplying Exponents with Difference Base and Same Powers In this tutorial, we will learn the rule of multiplication of exponents with different bases but same powers. When we multiply exponents with different bases and same powers, we can simply multiply the bases and keep the exponent same. Mathematically it can be written as, [ an  […]

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Multiplying Exponents- Same Base In this chapter, we will study about multiplication of exponents with same base. When a number repeatedly multiplied by itself, multiple times is known as Exponent. For example: p raised to q means that p is multiplied by itself q times. = pq = p x p x p x p […]

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