Understanding One-Variable Equations A one-variable equation is an equation that contains only one variable (often represented by letters like x, y, etc.). The goal is to find the value of the variable that makes the equation true. Basic Structure A one-variable equation typically looks like this: ax + b = c Where: x is the […]

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Distributive Property of Whole Numbers With Examples The Distributive Property is a fundamental property of multiplication in arithmetic. It states that multiplying a number by a sum is the same as multiplying the number by each addend separately and then adding the results. In algebraic terms, this can be expressed as: a×(b+c)=(a×b)+(a×c) Let’s break this […]

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Multiplying Variables with Exponents – Rule – Examples Multiplication of variables with exponents In this tutorial, we will learn the multiplication of variable with exponents. If the base of a term is a variable, we use the same rules of multiplication that are used for numbers. When the variable bases are same, the powers are […]

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Solve a Linear Equation by Transposition Method First let’s a review what is an equation. In mathematics, an equation is a mathematical expression where two sides of expression are connect to an “equality sign”. In this tutorial we will learn how to solve a linear equation in one variable by transposition method. This method is […]

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Linear Equations – An Overview A linear equation is an algebraic equation with an equality sign and highest exponent of the variable is 1. Equality sign (=) divides the equation into two sides such as LHS and RHS. In a linear equation highest exponent of the variable is 1. The standard form of a linear […]

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What is an Equation Definition: An equation is a mathematical statement with an ‘equality’ sign between two algebraic expression. The equality sign shows that the value of the expression to the left of the side (LHS or left hand side) is equal to the value of the expression to the right hand side (RHS or […]

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Proportion When two ratios or (fractions) are equal, then they are in Proportion. A proportion is an equality of ratios. The symbol “::” or “=” to equal represent the two ratios.                It can be written in two ways 1. Colon form 2. Fractional form The terms a, b, c, […]

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Numerator and Denominator Numerator In math, the top number of a fraction that shows how many parts we have, is known as numerator. Denominator In math, the bottom number of a fraction that shows the number of equal parts of an item is divided into, is known as denominator. Numerator : Top number of a fraction Example: […]

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Cross multiplication – Examples and Formula In this lesson we will learn about cross multiplication, and also learn in brief how to useful cross multiplication to solve the problems. To understand the cross multiplication first we see the parts of a fraction.    Parts of a fraction We know that a fraction has a division bar and two numbers. […]

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Algebra Algebra is a branch of mathematics that help us in the representation of problems or situations in the form of mathematical expressions. All the branches of mathematics such as trigonometry, calculus, and coordinate geometry, involve the use of algebra. Algebra encompasses a wide range of topics, including solving equations, understanding functions, and working with […]

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