Linear Equations – An Overview

A linear equation is an algebraic equation with an equality sign and highest exponent of the variable is 1. Equality sign (=) divides the equation into two sides such as LHS and RHS.

In a linear equation highest exponent of the variable is 1.

The standard form of a linear equation in one variable is ax + b = 0.

Here, x is a variable, and a and b are constants.

An equation with one variable, for example: 3x + 2 = 14, here x is a variable and 3, 2 and 14 are constants.

The expression on the left of the equality sign is called (LHS) left hand side and the expression on the right of the equality sign (RHS) is called right hand side.

A linear equation has only one solution but sometimes it has infinite number of solutions or no solution.

A linear equation has one , two or three variables.

The standard form of a linear equation with two variables x and y is ax + by = c.

Here, x and y are variables, and a, b and c are constants. Linear equations are equations of one degree.

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