Decimal Numbers – Place Value Chart

Decimal Number

We know that decimal numbers means a writing fractions or a number with denominators are powers of 10.

In a decimal number decimal point dot (.) is called decimal point.

Decimal point separates the whole number part and the fractional part.

In below example 287 is whole part and 13 is decimal part.

How to write Decimal Numbers

When a number is writing with a decimal is known as decimal notation, where each digit represents the different power of 10.

In other word it is a way of showing parts of a whole when the whole is power of ten.

Whole NumbersDecimal Numbers

Decimal Numbers has two parts.

(i) The whole number part

(ii) The decimal part

The left part of the digit is the whole part and the right side of the decimal point is the decimal part or fractional part.

Example: 3 is the whole number and 89 is decimal part in 3.89.

56 is the decimal part and 23 is whole number in 23.56.

In place value system, the tenths place is the first place to the right of the decimal point is got by dividing the number by 10, but the tens place is two places to the left of the decimal point.

In other words, the tens place is two places to the left of the decimal, but the tenths place is the first place to the right of the decimal point.

Example: 4.7 is same as 47/10. (The first digit to the left of the decimal point is the ones digit.)

23.6 is same as 23/10.

The hundredths place is the second place to the right of the decimal point is got by dividing the number by 100, but the hundreds place is third places to the left of the decimal point.

Example: 4.76 is same as 476/100.

23.65 is same as 2365/100.

The thousandths place is the third place to the right of the decimal point is got by dividing the number by 1000, but the thousands place is fourth places to the left of the decimal point.

Example: 9.652 is same as 9652/1000

134.715 is same as 134715/1000

When we divide a square into 10 equal parts, then each part of square represents (1/10) one tenths, which is called “one tenths and in the decimal form can be written as (0.1), read as zero point one.

In other words if a number has a decimal point, then the first digit to the right of the decimal point shows the tenths number. The second digit to the right of the decimal point shows the number of hundredths.

Similarly, if we divide a square into 100 equal parts, then each part of the square will be (1/100), which is called one hundredths and in the decimal form can be written as (0.01), read as zero point zero one.

Similarly, if we divide a square into 1000 equal parts, then each part of the square will be (1/1000), which is called one thousandths and in the decimal form can be written as (0.001), read as zero point zero zero one.

Note: If there is no whole number part in a decimal number, then write 0 on the left of the decimal point.

Example: 0.9, 0.23. 0.541., 0.7358, etc

How to write the place value of the digit 56.432

The place of 6 in decimal 56.432 is 6

The place of 5 in decimal 56.432 is 50

The place of 4 in decimal 56.432 is 4/10

The place of 2 in decimal 56.432 is 2/1000

The place of 3 in decimal 56.432 is 3/100

Practice Questions

Write the place value of digit 9 in each of the following decimals.

(1) 94.3

The place of 9 in the decimal 94.3 is 90 or 9 tens.

(2) 123.495

The place of 9 in the decimal 123.495 is 9/100 or 9 hundredths.

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