Negative Exponents In this tutorial, we will learn about negative exponents. When we change a negative exponent into positive exponent, we write the reciprocal of the given positive exponent. Negative sign means the reciprocal of the given number. For any non zero number a, (a-m = 1/am). Where m is a positive integer and a-m […]

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Law of Exponents In this chapter, we will study about law of exponent.  What is an Exponent When a number repeatedly multiplied by itself, multiple times is known as Exponent. Foe example: p raised to q means that p is multiplied by itself q times. = pq = p x p x p x p […]

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Decimal Division by Power of 10 Dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000…… Dividing any decimal by any power of 10 or 10, 100, 1000, we just move the decimal point towards the left as many places as the number of zeros in the power of 10. When we divide any decimal by 10, we […]

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Decimal Multiplication by Power of 10 Multiplying decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000…… Multiply any decimal by any power of 10 or 10, 100, 1000, we just move the decimal point towards the right as many places as the number of zeros in the power of 10. When we multiply any decimal by 10, we […]

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     Rules of Addition of like Terms  In this lesson we will learn, how to add like terms. Rule 1: In an expression, when all terms are positive, add their coefficients and variables and power of like terms remains the same. Add like terms examples in expressions: Example 1: Add like terms 2pq, 5pq, and […]

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