Volume Definition – Examples

A shape’s volume is the measure of the amount of total 3- dimensional space inside it, like a ball, cube, cylinder or pyramid.


The measure of the capacity that an object holds is known as its volume.

Volume is measured in cubic unit.

The volume of a cube with sides 1cm

Volume = 1 cm x 1 cm x 1cm

= 1 cm³ read as one cubic centimeter.

1 cm³ = 1,000 mm³

1 m³ = 1,000,000 cm³

The volume of an object is measured in cubic meter, cubic centimeters, cubic foot, cubic inch, etc.

Volume of a cuboid

Volume of a cuboid = Length x Width x Height

Example 1 : Find the volume of the cuboid.

Volume of the cuboid = length x width x height

= 5 x 2 x 3

= 30 cubic centimeter

Example 2: Find the volume of the cuboid.

Volume of the cuboid = length x width x height

= 9 x 5 x 6

= 270 cubic centimeter

Volume of a cube

Volume of the cube = side x side x side

Example 3: Find the volume of the cube.

Volume of the cube = side x side x side

= 2 x 2 x 2

= 8 cubic centimeter

Volume formula’s of basic geometrical shapes

Figure Formula Meaning of letters

Cube = a is length of each side

Cuboid = l x w x h l is length, w is width, h is height

Cone = 1/3𝜋r²h r is radius, h is height

Cylinder = 𝜋r²h r is radius, h is height

Sphere = 4/3𝜋r³ r is radius

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