Comparing Numbers
Comparing Numbers
How do we compare 4675 and 3452?
Here we compare two numbers 4675 and 3452.
These two numbers have same digits. They are both in thousands. So this is not very difficult to compare.
We see that the digit at the thousands place, in 4675 is 4 and in 3452 is 3. 4 is greater then 3. so 4675 is greater then that in 3452.
Therefore, 4675 is greater then 3452.
One more example
How do we compare 4675 and 4452?
Here we compare two numbers 4675 and 4452
These two numbers have same digits. They are both in thousands, but the digit at the thousand place are same in both.
What do we do then?
We move to the next digit, that is to the digit at the hundreds place.
The digit at the hundreds place is greater in 4675 then in 4452.
So 4675 is greater then 4452.