Lines of Symmetry In Regular Polygons What is line of symmetry? An object is considered to be symmetrical, if when folded or sliced in half, both halves are mirror images of one another. An object is said to have a line of symmetry when one half of it is the mirror image of the other. […]

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 Parallelograms – Properties   A parallelogram is a special type of a polygon. it is a quadrilateral with both pair of opposite sides are parallel. Properties 1. Opposite sides are equal.       Opposite sides, AB = CD and AC = BD 2. Opposite angles are equal.      Opposite angles are ∠A = ∠D and ∠B […]

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Similar Polygons Two polygons are similar if they have same shape, but not the same size. Similar polygons are polygons, if their corresponding angles are congruent, and the measure of their corresponding sides are proportional. The ratio of length of their corresponding sides are all in a constant ratio, and their corresponding angles are equal. […]

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Polygons – Classification We classify polygons to the number of side orvertices based they have. A polygon can be classified by it’s number of a sides and measure of angles. First, we classify by it’s number of a sides.               Classified by measuring the sides The name of a polygon usually […]

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Interior & Exterior angle of a polygon  In this lesson we will learn the, (1) Solutions of problems on interior and exterior angles of a polygon.  Example 1: Find the sum of all interior angles in a regular triangle (3-sided). Solution: Step 1: Write the formula Sum of interior angles of a polygon = (n-2) […]

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 Convex Polygons: Definition – Examples and Properties   All polygons is either convex or concave. A polygon will be convex or concave, it depends on the measure of their angles. If the measures of all interior angles is less 1800 than the polygon is convex, otherwise the polygon is concave.                 […]

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Concave Polygons: Definition – Examples & Properties   All polygons is either convex or concave. A polygon will be convex or concave, it depends on the measure of their angles. What is a Concave Polygon? A concave polygon have at least four sides, and concave polygon is just opposite of a convex polygon. If the measures […]

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   Type of Polygons Definition A polygon is a two-dimensional shape form with more than three straight lines. In a polygon each side must be intersect exactly two other sides, but only at their end points and have a common endpoint. The sides have must noncollinear. The name of a polygon usually depends on how […]

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              Frequency Polygon  A frequency polygon is very similar to a histogram and represents the graphical form of data. A frequency polygon is used to show a cumulative frequency distribution or compare to sets of data.  In a frequency polygon the number of observations is marked at the the midpoint […]

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