Algebra Symbols List
Algebra Symbols
Algebra is one of the main branch of mathematics.
In this section we will learn algebra symbols. The symbols are commonly used to solve word problems.
Symbol Symbol Name
1. X X Variable
2. ∞ Infinite
3. 𝜋 Pi constant
4. Π Capital pi
5. e e Constant/Euler’s number
6. % Percent
7. + Plus
8 – Minus
9. × Multiplication
10. ÷ Division
11. / Division slash
12. > Less than
13. < Greater than
14. μ Greek letter mu
15. = Equal to
15. ≪ Much less than
16. ≫ Much Greater than
17. ⋙ Very much less than
18. ⋘ Very much greater than
19. ~ Approximately equal
20. ≈ Approximately equal
21. ≠ Not equal to
22. ≤ Less than or equal to
23. ≥ Greater than or equal to
24. ≮ Not less than
25. ≯ Not Greater than
26. ≦ Less than over equal to
27. ≧ Greater than over equal to
28. () Parentheses
29. {} Braces
30. [] Brackets
31. f (x) Function of x
32. Σ Sigma
33. ΣΣ Sigma
34. ∷ Proportion
35. ∶ Ratio
35. ∝ Proportional to
36. ≝ Equal by definition
37. ⌊x⌋ Floor brackets
38. ⌈x⌉ Ceiling brackets
39. (a, b) Open interval
40. x! Exclamation mark
41. ∴ Therefore
42. ∵ Because
43. ⇒ Implies
The most important rule to solving problem in algebra is,
For US students For UK and Indian students
P→Parenthesis {} B→Bracket
E→Exponents O→of(x)
M→Multiplication x D→Division ÷
D→Division ÷ M→Multiplication x
A→Addition + A→Addition +
S→Subtraction – S→Subtraction –