Basic Word Problems on Percentage.

  1. Percentage of a Quantity: Converting a percentage to a decimal and multiplying by the total.
  2. Finding the Total from a Percentage: Setting up and solving an equation to find the total when given the percentage and part.
  3. Percentage Increase: Calculating the difference, dividing by the original, and converting to a percentage.
  4. Percentage Decrease: Similar to percentage increase but applied to decrease.
  5. Finding the Percentage: Dividing the part by the total and converting to a percentage.

Problem1: A school has 500 students. If 60% of the students are boys, how many boys are there in the school?


Convert the percentage to a decimal

60% = 60/100 = 0.60

Multiply the decimal by the total number of students

Number of boys = 0.60 × 500 = 300

Answer: There are 300 boys in the school.

Problem2: Sarah scored 45 marks in a test. This is 75% of the total marks. What are the total marks?


Let the total marks be x.

75% of x is 45

(75/100)x = 45

0.75x= 45

Solve for x

Divide both sides by 0.75

0.75x/0.75 = 45/0.75

x = 45/0.75 = 60

Answer: The total marks are 60.

Problem3: The price of a book increased from $20 to $25. What is the percentage increase?


Find the increase in price

Increase = 25 − 20 = 5

Calculate the percentage increase:

Percentage increase = 5/20 x 100

(5/20)×100 = 25

Percentage increase = 25%

Answer: The price increased by 25%.

Problem4: A car’s value decreased from $15,000 to $12,000. What is the percentage decrease?


Find the decrease in value:


Calculate the percentage decrease

Percentage decrease=(3,000/15,000)×100=20%

Answer: The car’s value decreased by 20%.

Problem5: After a 20% discount, a jacket costs $80. What was the original price?


  1. After a 20% discount, the jacket costs $80

Let the original price be x

Discount rate= 20%

Discount 20% of x = (x) x (20/100) = 0.2x

Sale price = Original Price – Discount

After a 20% discount

  1. 80=x−0.20
    • 80=0.80x
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 0.80
    • x=80/0.80
    • =100

Answer: The original price of the jacket was $100.

Problem6: Out of 250 apples, 75 are rotten. What percentage of the apples are rotten?


Calculate the percentage

Percentage of rotten apples=(75/250)×100=30%

Answer: 30% of the apples are rotten.

Problem7: A laptop was sold for $540 after a 10% increase in its original price. What was the original price?


Let the original price be x

After a 10% increase, the selling price is $540



Solve for x

Divide both sides by 1.10



Answer: The original price of the laptop was $490.91.

Problem8: A library has 800 books. If 25% of the books are fiction, how many fiction books are there in the library?


Convert the percentage to a decimal


Multiply the decimal by the total number of books

Number of fiction books=0.25×800=200

Answer: There are 200 fiction books in the library.

Problem9: John got 90 marks in his math exam, which is 75% of the total marks. What are the total marks?


Let the total marks be x

75% of x is 90


0.75x = 90


Solve for x

Divide both sides by 0.75


Answer: The total marks are 120.

Problem10: The population of a town increased from 50,000 to 60,000. What is the percentage increase?


Find the increase in population:


Calculate the percentage increase

Percentage increase=(10,000/50,000)×100


Answer: The population increased by 20%.

Problem11: After a 10% discount, a dress costs $54. What was the original price?


Let the original price be x.

Discount rate= 10%

Discount 10% of x = (x) x (10/100) = 0.1x

Sale price = Original Price – Discount

After a 10%

x – 0.1x = 0.9x

the dress costs $54


54 = 0.90x

Solve for x

Divide both sides by 0.90


x = 60

Answer: The original price of the dress was $60.

Problem12: Out of 500 employees, 125 are managers. What percentage of the employees are managers?


Calculate the percentage

Percentage of managers=(125/500)×100


Answer: 25% of the employees are managers.

Problem13: A bicycle was sold for $270 after a 10% markup on its original price. What was the original price?


  1. Let the original price be x
    • After a 10% markup, the selling price is $270
    • 270=1.10x
    • 270 = 1.10x
    • 270=1.10x
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 1.10
    • x=270/1.10=245.45

Answer: The original price of the bicycle was $245.45.

Problem14: A class has 40 students. If 30% of the students are girls, how many girls are there in the class?


Convert the percentage to a decimal 30%=30/100


Multiply the decimal by the total number of students:

Number of girls=0.30×40=12

Answer: There are 12 girls in the class.

Problem15: Michael received $45, which is 75% of his weekly allowance. What is his total weekly allowance?


  1. Let the total weekly allowance be x
  2. 75% of x is =45
  3. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 0.75
    • x=45/0.75=60

Answer: Michael’s total weekly allowance is $60.

Problem16: The price of a movie ticket increased from $8 to $10. What is the percentage increase?


Find the increase in price Increase=10−8=2

Calculate the percentage increase:

Percentage increase=2/8×100=25%

Answer: The price increased by 25%.

Problem17: A smartphone’s price dropped from $600 to $450. What is the percentage decrease?


Find the decrease in price


Calculate the percentage decrease

Percentage decrease=150/600×100


Answer: The price decreased by 25%.

Problem18: After a 15% discount, a jacket costs $85. What was the original price?


  1. Let the original price be x
    • After a 15% discount, the jacket costs $85
    • 85=x−0.15x
    • 85 = x – 0.15x
    • 85=x−0.15x
    • 85=0.85x
  2. Solve for :
    • Divide both sides by 0.85
    • x=85/0.85=100

Answer: The original price of the jacket was $100.

Problem19: Out of 1200 students, 300 are in the science club. What percentage of the students are in the science club?


Calculate the percentage:

Percentage of students in the science club



Answer: 25% of the students are in the science club.

Problem20: A laptop was sold for $770 after a 10% markup on its original price. What was the original price?


  1. Let the original price be x
    • After a 10% markup, the selling price is $770
    • 770=1.10x
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 1.10
    • x=770/1.10=700

Answer: The original price of the laptop was $700.

Problem21: A company has 200 employees. If 40% of the employees are women, how many women are there in the company?


Convert the percentage to a decimal


Multiply the decimal by the total number of employees

Number of women=0.40×200


Answer: There are 80 women in the company.

Problem22: David received $75, which is 25% of his monthly salary. What is his total monthly salary?


  1. Let the total monthly salary be x
    • 25% of x is $75
    • 0.25x = 75
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 0.25
    • x=75/0.25​=300

Answer: David’s total monthly salary is $300.

Problem23: The price of a concert ticket increased from $50 to $65. What is the percentage increase?


Find the increase in price: Increase=65−50=15

Calculate the percentage increase

Percentage increase=15/50×100=30%

Answer: The price increased by 30%.

Problem24: A laptop’s price dropped from $1,200 to $960. What is the percentage decrease?


Find the decrease in price


Calculate the percentage decrease

Percentage decrease=(240/1,200)×100


Answer: The price decreased by 20%.

Problem25: After a 30% discount, a pair of shoes costs $70. What was the original price?


  1. Let the original price be x
    • After a 30% discount, the shoes cost $70
    • 70=x−0.30x
    • 0.70x = 70
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 0.70
    • x=70/0.70=100

Answer: The original price of the shoes was $100.

Problem26: Out of 500 people in a survey, 125 prefer chocolate ice cream. What percentage of the people prefer chocolate ice cream?


Calculate the percentage

Percentage of people who prefer chocolate ice crea




Answer: 25% of the people prefer chocolate ice cream.

Problem27: A TV was sold for $660 after a 10% markup on its original price. What was the original price?


  1. Let the original price be x
    • After a 10% markup, the selling price is $660
    • 660=1.10x
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 1.10
    • x=660/1.10=600

Answer: The original price of the TV was $600.

Problem28: A class has 50 students. If 20% of the students received an A grade, how many students received an A grade?


Convert the percentage to a decimal


Multiply the decimal by the total number of students

Number of students with an A grade=0.20×50


Answer: 10 students received an A grade.

Problem29: Emma saved $45, which is 15% of her total savings. What are her total savings?


  1. Let the total savings be x
    • 15% of x is $45
    • 0.15x=45
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 0.15:
    • x=45/0.15=300

Answer: Emma’s total savings are $300.

Problem30: The value of a car increased from $15,000 to $18,000. What is the percentage increase?


Find the increase in value:


Calculate the percentage increase:

Percentage increase=(3,000/15,000)×100


Answer: The value of the car increased by 20%.

Problem31: A television’s price dropped from $500 to $400. What is the percentage decrease?


Find the decrease in price


Calculate the percentage decrease:

Percentage decrease=(100/500)×100=


Answer: The price decreased by 20%.

Problem32: After a 25% discount, a bicycle costs $150. What was the original price?


  1. Let the original price be x
    • After a 25% discount, the bicycle costs $150
    • 150=x−0.25x
    • 150=0.75x
    • 150 = 0.75×150=0.75x
  2. Solve for x
    • Divide both sides by 0.75
    • x=150/0.75=200

Answer: The original price of the bicycle was $200.

Problem33: Out of 800 employees in a company, 200 are in the sales department. What percentage of the employees are in the sales department?


Calculate the percentage

Percentage of employees in the sales department=


Answer: 25% of the employees are in the sales department.

Problem34: A smartphone was sold for $660 after a 10% markup on its original price. What was the original price?


Let the original price be x

After a 10% markup, the selling price is $660

= 1.10x =660

Solve for x

Divide both sides by 1.10


Answer: The original price of the smartphone was $600.

Problem35: Maria scored 85% on her final exam. If the exam had a total of 200 points, how many points did Maria score?

Solution: To find out how many points Maria scored, you need to calculate 85% of 200.


Convert the percentage to a decimal


Multiply the total points by the decimal:

Points scored=200×0.85

Perform the multiplication

Points scored=170

Answer: So, Maria scored 170 points on her final exam.

Problem36: A jacket is on sale for 25% off. If the discount amount is $40, what was the original price of the jacket?

Solution: To find the original price, you need to determine what amount $40 represents 25% of.


Set up the equation where x is the original price


Solve for x=40/0.25

Perform the division: x=160

Answer: So, the original price of the jacket was $160.

Problem37: The price of a laptop increased from $500 to $600. What is the percentage increase in the price?

Solution: To find the percentage increase, you need to calculate the difference in price, then divide by the original price and multiply by 100.


Calculate the difference in price


Divide the difference by the original price


Convert the decimal to a percentage


Answer: So, the price of the laptop increased by 20%.

Problem38: A TV originally priced at $800 is now on sale for $600. What is the percentage decrease in the price?

Solution: To find the percentage decrease, you need to calculate the difference in price, then divide by the original price and multiply by 100.


Calculate the difference in price


Divide the difference by the original price


Convert the decimal to a percentage


Answer: So, the price of the TV decreased by 25%.

Problem39: Out of 120 students in a class, 90 passed the exam. What percentage of students passed the exam?

The original price of the smartphone was $600.

Solution: To find the percentage of students who passed, you need to divide the number of students who passed by the total number of students, then multiply by 100.


Divide the number of students who passed by the total number of students:


Convert the decimal to a percentage


Answer: So, 75% of the students passed the exam.

Problem40: Jenny bought a dress for $150 and received a discount of 20%. How much was the discount, and what was the final price of the dress?


Calculate the discount amount:

Discount amount=Original price×(Discount percentage/100){100}

Discount amount=150×(20/100)=150×0.20=30

Calculate the final price after the discount:

Final price=Original price−Discount amount

150 – 30 = 120

Final price=150−30=120

Answer: So, the discount amount was $30, and the final price of the dress was $120.

Problem41: A car is sold for $18,000 after a 10% discount. What was the original price of the car?


Let x be the original price.

Calculate the price after discount

Price after discount=x×(1−10/100)


Set up the equation


Solve for x


Answer: So, the original price of the car was $20,000.

Problem42: The price of a book increased from $25 to $30. What is the percentage increase?


Calculate the difference in price:


Divide the difference by the original price:

Fraction increase=5/25=0.20

Convert the fraction to a percentage:

Percentage increase=0.20×100


Answer: So, the price of the book increased by 20%.

Problem43: The population of a town decreased from 50,000 to 45,000. What is the percentage decrease?


Calculate the difference in population


Divide the difference by the original population:

Fraction decrease=5000/50000


Convert the fraction to a percentage

Percentage decrease=0.10×100=10%

Answer: So, the population of the town decreased by 10%.

Problem44: In a class of 40 students, 30 students passed the exam. What percentage of students passed the exam?


Divide the number of students who passed by the total number of students:

Fraction passed=30/40=0.75

Convert the fraction to a percentage:

Percentage passed=0.75×100=75%

Answer: So, 75% of the students passed the exam.

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