Arithmetic is one of the oldest and elementary branch of mathematics that deals with study of numbers and basic operation on numbers.

History of Arithmetic

The term arithmetic comes from the ancient Greek word ‘Airthmos’ which means numbers, but people began doing arithmetic long before the Greek.

What is Arithmetic?

Arithmetic is branch of mathematics in which we study numbers and relations among numbers using various properties and use them to solve examples.

Topics in arithmetic also includes whole numbers, place value, fractions, factoring, decimals, integers, percentages, exponents, proportions, word problems.

Arithmetic primarily involves four basic operations:

Basic Operations:

The basic arithmetic operations are





Addition and subtraction are most basic operations. The result of addition is greater than the numbers which we added.

Addition: Addition is the process of combining two or more numbers to find their total or sum.

Example: Addition: 3 + 5 = 8, 15 + 6 = 21,   23 + 5 = 28,    12 + 14 = 27

Subtraction: Subtraction is the process of taking one number away from another to find the difference.

Example: Subtraction : 25 – 10 = 15,  13 – 4 = 9,  55 – 25 = 30, 8−3=5

3.5 – 2.1 = 1.4,  4.8 – 3.2 = 1.6,  8.5 – 6.2 = 2.3

Multiplication: Multiplication is repeated addition or scaling a number by another to find the product.

Example: Multiplication : 10 x 10 = 100,  12 x 5 = 60,  25 x 6 = 150, 4×3=12

5/4 x 3 = 15/4,  2/3 x 3 =2,  16/5 x 4 =  64/5

Division: Division is the process of splitting a number into equal parts or finding how many times one number is contained within another.

Example: Division : 27 ÷ 3 = 9,  36 ÷ 6 = 6,  45 ÷ 5 = 9, 12÷4=3

Number Systems:

Arithmetic operates within different number systems:

  1. Natural Numbers (N):
    • The set of positive integers 1,2,3,….
  2. Whole Numbers (W):
    • Natural numbers including zero 0,1,2,3,…
  3. Integers (Z):
    • Whole numbers and their negative counterparts …,−3,−2,−1,0,1,2,3,…
  4. Rational Numbers (Q):
    • Numbers expressible as fractions a/b​, where a and b are integers and b≠0.
  5. Real Numbers (R):
    • All rational and irrational numbers, represented on the number line.

Properties of Operations:

Commutative Property:

Properties: Commutative (order does not matter),

The order of terms can be changed without affecting the result.

Example: a+b=b+a.

Associative Property:

Associative (grouping does not matter),

Example: (a+b)+c=a+(b+c).

Distributive Property:

The way numbers are grouped in an operation does not affect the result.

Multiplication distributes over addition and subtraction.

Example: a×(b+c)=a×b+a×c.


Identity Elements:

Identity (adding zero leaves a number unchanged).

Each operation has an identity element:

Addition: a+0=a

Multiplication: a×1=a

Inverse Elements:

Inverse of addition.

For addition, a+(−a)=0 (Additive inverse).

Inverse of multiplication.

For multiplication (excluding zero), a×1/a=1(Multiplicative inverse).

Applications of Arithmetic:

  1. Daily Life:
    • Counting money, calculating tips, measuring ingredients, etc.
  2. Business and Finance:
    • Budgeting, accounting, calculating interest rates, profit margins, etc.
  3. Science and Engineering:
    • Calculating measurements, analyzing data, solving equations, etc.
  4. Computer Science:
    • Algorithms, data structures, coding, numerical computations, etc.
  5. Statistics:
    • Analyzing data sets, calculating averages, standard deviations, etc.


Arithmetic is a fundamental and practical branch of mathematics that forms the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts and applications. It encompasses the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, along with their properties and applications across various fields of study and everyday tasks. Mastering arithmetic is essential for developing strong quantitative skills and understanding mathematical relationships in both theoretical and real-world contexts.

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