Complex Numbers-Definition, Formula, Properties

Complex numbers are an extension of the real numbers, allowing for the inclusion of solutions to equations that do not have real solutions.

Here’s a detailed explanation:


A complex number is of the form:


  • Where: a and b are real numbers.
  • i is the imaginary unit, defined by the property i2=−1.


(1) Real Part: The a in z=a+bi is called the real part and is denoted as ℜ(z).
(2) Imaginary Part: The b in z=a+bi is called the imaginary part and is denoted as ℑ(z).


Complex numbers can be represented in different forms:

Cartesian Form

The standard form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers.

Polar Form

A complex number can also be represented in polar coordinates as: z=r(cosθ+isinθ)


  • r=∣z∣=✓a2+b2 is the magnitude (or modulus) of z.
  • θ=arg(z)=tan-1(b/a) is the argument (or angle) of z.

This can also be written using Euler’s formula:


Addition and Subtraction








The conjugate of z=a+bi is z¯=a−bi.

Modulus and Argument

Modulus (Magnitude): The distance from the origin to the point (a,b) in the complex plane.

Argument (Angle): The angle θ between the positive real axis and the line representing the complex number.



Complex Conjugate:

The complex conjugate z¯ of z=a+bi is z¯=a−bi.

Multiplication by Conjugate:

z⋅ z¯=(a+bi)(a−bi)=a2+b2=∣z∣2

Euler’s Formula:


De Moivre’s Theorem:

For any integer n



Complex numbers are used in many fields, including:

Engineering: Especially in signal processing and control theory.
Physics: Quantum mechanics and electrical engineering.
Mathematics: Solving polynomial equations, fractals, and complex analysis.
Computer Graphics: Representing rotations and transformations.


Complex numbers can be visualized on the complex plane, where the x-axis represents the real part and the y-axis represents the imaginary part. Each complex number corresponds to a unique point on this plane.


Complex numbers provide a powerful extension to the real numbers, enabling the solution of equations and problems that cannot be addressed within the realm of real numbers alone. They have a wide range of applications in various scientific and engineering disciplines.

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