Simple Interest Solved Examples

Simple interest is a easy and quick method for calculating the interest charged on a loan or principal amount. The concept of simple interest is famous and used in many sectors such as finance, automobile and banking.

Solved examples on simple interest will help us to understand to solve step-by-step different types of simple interest problems.

Here we will apply the concept of simple interest to solve various types of examples on simple interest.

(1) Find the simple interest, when Principle = Rs 1000,

Rate of Interest = 5% per annum and Time = 4 years.

Solution: Given Principle P = 1000,

Rate of Interest R = 5% per annum and

Time T = 4 years.

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (1000 x 5 x 4)/100

SI = Rs 200

Simple interest = Rs 200

(2) Find the simple interest, when Principal = Rs 3000,

Rate of Interest = 2% per annum and Time = 5 years.

Solution: Given Principle P = 3000,

Rate of Interest R = 2% per annum and

Time T = 5 years.

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (3000 x 2 x 5)/100

= Rs 300

Simple interest = Rs 300

(3) Find the interest on Rs 500 for a period of 4 years at the rate of 8% per annum and the amount to be paid at the end of the period.

Solution: Given Principle amount P = Rs 500

Time period T = 4 years

Rate of interest R = 8 %/

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (500 x 8 x 4)/100

= Rs 160

Amount = Principal amount + interest

= 500 + 160

= Rs 660

Amount paid at the end of the year = Rs 660

(4) Find the simple interest, when Principle = Rs 2000,

Rate of Interest = 5% per annum and Time = 5 years.

Solution: Given Principle P = 2000,

Rate of Interest R = 5% per annum and

Time T = 5 years.

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (2000 x 5 x 5)/100

= Rs 500

Simple interest = Rs 500

(5) Find the simple interest, when Principle = Rs 400, Rate of Interest = 5% per annum and Time = 2 years.

Solution: Given Principle P = 400,

Rate of Interest R = 5% per annum and

Time T = 2 years.

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (400 x 5 x 2)/100

= Rs 40

simple interest = Rs 40

(6) Find the simple interest, when Principle = Rs 400,

Rate of Interest = 6% per annum and Time = 3 years.

Solution: Given Principle P = 400,

Rate of Interest R = 6% per annum and

Time T = 3 years.

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (400 x 6 x 3)/100

= Rs 72

Simple interest = Rs 72

(7) Find the simple interest, when Principle = Rs 25000,

Rate of Interest = 20% per annum and Time = 1 year.

Solution: Given Principle P = 25000,

Rate of Interest R = 20% per annum and

Time T = 1 year.

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (25000 x 20 x 1)/100

= Rs 5000

Simple interest = Rs 5000

(8) A man borrowed Rs 8000 from a bank at 8% per annum. Find the amount he has to pay after 4 ½ years.

Solution: Given Principle amount P = 8000,

Rate of Interest R = 8% per annum and

Time T = 4 ½ years = 9/2 years

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = {8000 x 8 x (9/2)}/100

= Rs 2880

Amount = Principal amount + interest

= 8000 + 2880

= Rs 10880

Amount = Rs 10880

(9) John lent out Rs 8000 for 5 years at 15% per annum and borrowed Rs 6000 for 3 years at 12% per annum. How much he gain or loss?.

Solution: Given Principle amount P = 8000,

Rate of Interest R = 15% per annum and

Time T = 5 year

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (8000 x 15 x 5)/100 = Rs 6000

Principal Amount P = Rs 6000

Rate of Interest R = 12% per annum and

Time T = 3 years

Amount = Principal amount + interest

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get,

SI = (6000 x 12 x 3)/100 = Rs 2160

Amount gained by John = 6000 – 2160

= Rs 3840

Amount = Rs 3840

(10) Joseph deposits Rs 1000 in a saving bank account. The bank pays interest at the rate of 5% per annum. What amount can Joseph get after 1 year?.

Solution: Given Principle amount P = 1000,

Rate of Interest R = 5% per annum and

Time T = 1 year

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get,

SI = (1000 x 1 x 5)/100 = Rs 50

Amount = Principal amount + interest

= 1000 + 50

= 1050

= Rs 1050

Amount = Rs 1050

(11) David borrowed Rs 550 from his friend at 8% per annum. He returned the amount after 6 months. How did he much pay?

Solution: Given Principle amount P = 550,

Rate of Interest R = 8% per annum and

Time T = 6 month = 1/2 year

We know that simple interest = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (550 x 8 x 1/2)/100 = Rs 22

Total amount = Principal amount + interest

= 550 + 22

= 572

= Rs 572

Pay = Rs 572

(12) David borrowed Rs 60000 from his friend at 9% per annum for 2 years. He lent this amount to Jacob at 10% per annum of 2 years. How much did david earn?

Solution: Given Principle amount P = 60000,

Rate of Interest R = 9% per annum and

Time T = 2 years

We know that simple interest SI = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (60000 x 10 x 2)/100

= Rs 12000

Principle amount P = 60000,

Rate of Interest R = 9% per annum and

Time T = 2 years

We know that simple interest SI = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (60000 x 9 x 2)/100 = Rs 10800

Amount gained by david = 12000 – 10800

= 1200

David earn = Rs 1200

(13) David lent Rs 15000 from his friend he charged 15% per annum on Rs 12500 and 18% on the rest. How much interest does he earn in 3 years?

Solution: Given Principle amount P = Rs 12500,

Rate of Interest R = 6% per annum and

Time T = 1 year

We know that simple interest SI = (P x R x T)/100

Substituting these values in above equation we get

SI = (2000 x 6 x 1)/100

= Rs 120

Amount after 1 year

Principal amount + Interest

= 2000 + 120

= 2120

after 1 year, amount withdrawn = 700

Principle left = 2120 – 700

= 1420

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