The line drawn through the center of a circle to bisect a chord is perpendicular to the chord. Given:  A circle with center O, AB is chord of a circle and OC bisect chord at C. i,e. AC = CB. To prove: OC ⊥ AB Construction: join OA and OB.  Proof:  In △ OCA and △ OCB OA = OB (Radius […]

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If a transversal intersect two parallel lines, then each pair of interior angles on the Same side of the transversal are Supplementary. Given: Two parallel Lines AB and CD, and PS be transversal intersecting AB at Q and CD at R. To Prove: Sum of interior angles on the Same side of the transversal is Supplementary. […]

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Vertically Opposite Angles Theorem Vertical angles theorem or Vertically opposite angles theorem states that, If two lines intersect each other, then vertically opposite angles are equal. Given: In the above statement, given that two lines intersect each other, so let AB and CD are two lines intersect each other at O as shown in figure so […]

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