SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS and RHS – Congruence of Triangles  In geometry we see that, if two line segments are are same in length, they are congruent, and if two angles are same in measure they are also congruent,.Simply, we can say congruent means an object and its mirror image. Congruence Triangles A triangle is a polygon with […]

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 AAS Congruence Rule Angle-Angle-Side Two triangles are congruent, if two pairs of corresponding angles and one pair of opposite sides are equal in both triangles. In above figure there are two triangles, △CAB and △PQR  △CAB and △PQR has two pairs of  corresponding angles ∠A = ∠R, ∠C = ∠P and  one pair of opposite sides side CB = side PQ.  […]

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