Mathematics – An Introduction of Set Theory
Introduction of Set Theory
In (1845 – 1918 AD) German mathematician George Cantor, develop “Set Theory”.
When he was working on ” Problems on Trigonometric Series”, he encountered Set.
Set Theory is a branch of mathematics, A set is informally collection of objects. Although any type of objects can be collect in a set.
Simply we can say it’s a collection of unordered things or numbers etc known as elements or members of a set.
Synonyms of word set are “Collection”, “Aggegate”, or “Class “. Basically set is a collection of similar objects.
We see the following collection,
1. The vowels in the English alphabet a, e, i ,o, u.
2. The natural numbers.
3. Even numbers 10 to 20.
4. States of India.
5. The solar system.
These are all the examples of sets.