Converting Fraction into Percentage

Converting a fraction into a percentage involves a simple process.

Here’s a detailed explanation with examples to help we understand the steps clearly:

Steps to Convert a Fraction into a Percentage

1. Understand the fraction:

A fraction consists of two numbers, the numerator (top number) and the denominator (bottom number).

A fraction can be represented by a/b, where a is numerator and b is denominator

Multiplying and dividing the fraction by 100,

we get (a x 100)/(b x 100)={(a/b) x 100}/100…….(1)

from the definition of percent, we know that 

1/100 = 1%

so, equation 1 can b written as (a/b) x 100%

2. Divide the numerator by the denominator:

This gives we a decimal number.

3. Multiply by 100:

Convert the decimal to a percentage by multiplying by 100.

4. Add the percentage symbol:

After multiplying by 100, add the “%” symbol to denote the percentage.

Detailed Examples

Example 1: Simple Fraction

Convert 3/4 into a percentage.

Divide the numerator by the denominator:


Multiply by 100:


Add the percentage symbol:

So,3/4 is equal to 75%.

Example 2: Another Simple Fraction

Convert 1/5 into a percentage.

Divide the numerator by the denominator:


Multiply by 100:


Add the percentage symbol:

So,1/5 is equal to 20%.

Example 3: Fraction with Larger Numbers

Convert 7/8 into a percentage.

Divide the numerator by the denominator:


Multiply by 100:


Add the percentage symbol:

So, 7/8 is equal to 87.5%.

Example 4: Improper Fraction

Convert 9/4 into a percentage.

Divide the numerator by the denominator:

9/4 =2.25

Multiply by 100:


Add the percentage symbol:


So, 9/4 is equal to 225%.


To convert a fraction to a percentage:

  1. Divide the numerator by the denominator to get a decimal.
  2. Multiply the decimal by 100.
  3. Add the “%” symbol.

This method works for all fractions, whether they are proper fractions (numerator smaller than the denominator), improper fractions (numerator larger than the denominator), or even mixed numbers (which can be converted to improper fractions first).

Example: convert fraction 1/8 into percent?

1/8 = (1/8) x 100       

1/8 = 12.5%

Example: convert fraction 7/40 into percent?

7/40 = (7/40) x 100       

 = (35)/2

7/40 = 17.5%

Example: convert fraction 5/4 into percent?

5/4 = (5/4) x 100       

= 500/4

5/4 = 125%

Example: convert fraction 8/7 into percent

8/7 = (8/7) x 100       

= 800/7

8/7 = 114.4%

Example: convert fraction 3/7 into percent?

3/7 = (3/7) x 100     

= 300/7

3/7 = 42.8%

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