Mixed Fraction Definition – Example


A “Mixed Fraction” is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction.

In figure, example (i) shows, 2 3/4 is a mixed fraction where 2 is a whole number and 3/4 is a proper fraction.

Example (ii) shows, 3 1/5 is a mixed fraction where 3 is a whole number and 1/5 is a proper fraction.

Example (iii) shows, 6 4/7 is a mixed fraction where 6 is a whole number and 4/7 is a proper fraction.

Example:  If 5 is a whole number and 1/2 is a fraction, then  5 1/2 (Five and a half) is a mixed fraction.
It is also called Mixed Number.

Above figure shows that shaded part 1 is a whole number and 3/4 is a proper fraction.

Therefore, 1 3/4 is a mixed fraction.

Example: 13/4 is an improper fraction. Let us learn how to convert this improper fraction to a mixed fraction.

Step 1: Divide the numerator by denominator.

Step 2: Find the remainder and the quotient.

Step 3: The quotient becomes the whole number of resultant mixed fraction and the remainder becomes the numerator part of the mixed fraction and the denominator part remains is the same.

Dividing 13 by 4, we get 3 as the quotient and 1 as the remainder. Thus, 13/ 4 will be written as (3 1/4) as a mixed number.

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