Descending Order Word Problems For Kids

Descending Order Word Problems

Descending order means arranging numbers from the largest to the smallest. Let’s go through a step-by-step explanation of descending order word problems with diagrams.

Example Problem:

Problem: Sarah, John, and Emma collected 32, 45, and 28 apples respectively. Arrange the number of apples they collected in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Sarah collected 32 apples.
    • John collected 45 apples.
    • Emma collected 28 apples.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the numbers 32, 45, and 28.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means we start with the largest number and go down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 32, 45, and 28.
    • Diagram: 32 45 28
    • The largest number is 45.
    • The next largest number is 32.
    • The smallest number is 28.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the numbers are 45, 32, and 28.
    • Diagram: 45 > 32 > 28
  6. Conclusion:
    • John collected the most apples (45).
    • Sarah collected the next most (32).
    • Emma collected the least (28).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Collection:
  2. Comparing Apples:
  3. Descending Order:

Practice Problems:

  1. Problem: Mike, Lily, and Sam scored 88, 95, and 72 in their math test respectively. Arrange their scores in descending order.
    • Numbers: 88, 95, 72
    • Solution: 95, 88, 72
  2. Problem: Three plants grew to heights of 45 cm, 60 cm, and 50 cm. Arrange the heights in descending order.
    • Numbers: 45, 60, 50
    • Solution: 60, 50, 45

Example Problem:

Problem: Sarah, John, and Emma collected 30, 40, and 20 apples respectively. Arrange the number of apples they collected in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Sarah collected 30 apples.
    • John collected 40 apples.
    • Emma collected 20 apples.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the numbers 30, 40, and 20.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means we start with the largest number and go down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 30, 40, and 20.
    • Diagram: 30 40 20
    • The largest number is 40.
    • The next largest number is 30.
    • The smallest number is 20.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the numbers are 40, 3, and 20.
    • Diagram: 40 > 30 > 20
  6. Conclusion:
    • John collected the most apples (40).
    • Sarah collected the next most (30).
    • Emma collected the least (20).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Collection:
  2. Comparing Apples:
  3. Descending Order:

Practice Problems:

  1. Problem: Mike, Lily, and Sam scored 88, 95, and 72 in their math test respectively. Arrange their scores in descending order.
    • Numbers: 88, 95, 72
    • Solution: 95, 88, 72
  2. Problem: Three plants grew to heights of 45 cm, 60 cm, and 50 cm. Arrange the heights in descending order.
    • Numbers: 45, 60, 50
    • Solution: 60, 50, 45

Example 1: Scores in a Quiz

Problem: Amy, Ben, and Clara scored 85, 90, and 78 in a quiz respectively. Arrange their scores in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Amy scored 85.
    • Ben scored 90.
    • Clara scored 78.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the scores 85, 90, and 78.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 85, 90, and 78.
    • Diagram: 85 90 78
    • The largest score is 90.
    • The next largest score is 85.
    • The smallest score is 78.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the scores are 90, 85, and 78.
    • Diagram: 90 > 85 > 78
  6. Conclusion:
    • Ben scored the highest (90).
    • Amy scored the next highest (85).
    • Clara scored the lowest (78).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Scores:
  2. Comparing Scores:
  3. Descending Order:

Example 2: Heights of Buildings

Problem: Three buildings have heights of 150 m, 200 m, and 175 m. Arrange their heights in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Building A is 150 m.
    • Building B is 200 m.
    • Building C is 175 m.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the heights 150 m, 200 m, and 175 m.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 150, 200, and 175.
    • Diagram: 150 200 175
    • The largest height is 200.
    • The next largest height is 175.
    • The smallest height is 150.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the heights are 200, 175, and 150.
    • Diagram: 200 > 175 > 150
  6. Conclusion:
    • Building B is the tallest (200 m).
    • Building C is the next tallest (175 m).
    • Building A is the shortest (150 m).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Heights:
  2. Comparing Heights:
  3. Descending Order:

Practice Problems:

  1. Problem: Lily, Max, and Zoe have 12, 25, and 19 books respectively. Arrange the number of books they have in descending order.
    • Numbers: 12, 25, 19
    • Solution: 25, 19, 12
  2. Problem: Three cars traveled 250 km, 300 km, and 275 km. Arrange the distances in descending order.
    • Numbers: 250, 300, 275
    • Solution: 300, 275, 250

Example 3: Scores in a Race

Problem: Jake, Mia, and Noah finished a race in 12 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes respectively. Arrange their times in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Jake finished in 12 minutes.
    • Mia finished in 10 minutes.
    • Noah finished in 15 minutes.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the times 12, 10, and 15 minutes.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 12, 10, and 15.
    • Diagram: 12 10 15
    • The largest time is 15.
    • The next largest time is 12.
    • The smallest time is 10.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the times are 15, 12, and 10.
    • Diagram: 15 > 12 > 10
  6. Conclusion:
    • Noah took the longest time (15 minutes).
    • Jake took the next longest time (12 minutes).
    • Mia took the shortest time (10 minutes).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Times:
  2. Comparing Times:
  3. Descending Order:

Example 4: Number of Steps Taken

Problem: Anna, Liam, and Olivia took 4500, 3200, and 5100 steps respectively in a day. Arrange the number of steps they took in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Anna took 4500 steps.
    • Liam took 3200 steps.
    • Olivia took 5100 steps.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the numbers 4500, 3200, and 5100.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 4500, 3200, and 5100.
    • Diagram: 4500 3200 5100
    • The largest number is 5100.
    • The next largest number is 4500.
    • The smallest number is 3200.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the numbers are 5100, 4500, and 3200.
    • Diagram: 5100 > 4500 > 3200
  6. Conclusion:
    • Olivia took the most steps (5100).
    • Anna took the next most steps (4500).
    • Liam took the fewest steps (3200).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Steps:
  2. Comparing Steps:
  3. Descending Order:

Example 5: Amount of Water Drunk

Problem: Kevin, Emily, and Sophia drank 2 liters, 1.5 liters, and 2.5 liters of water respectively in a day. Arrange the amounts in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Kevin drank 2 liters.
    • Emily drank 1.5 liters.
    • Sophia drank 2.5 liters.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the amounts 2 liters, 1.5 liters, and 2.5 liters.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 2, 1.5, and 2.5.
    • Diagram: 2 1.5 2.5
    • The largest amount is 2.5.
    • The next largest amount is 2.
    • The smallest amount is 1.5.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the amounts are 2.5, 2, and 1.5.
    • Diagram: 2.5 > 2 > 1.5
  6. Conclusion:
    • Sophia drank the most water (2.5 liters).
    • Kevin drank the next most water (2 liters).
    • Emily drank the least water (1.5 liters).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Amounts:
  2. Comparing Amounts:
  3. Descending Order:

Practice Problems:

  1. Problem: Jack, Emma, and Oliver picked 23, 35, and 29 strawberries respectively. Arrange the numbers in descending order.
    • Numbers: 23, 35, 29
    • Solution: 35, 29, 23
  2. Problem: Three trees are 15 m, 25 m, and 20 m tall. Arrange the heights in descending order.
    • Numbers: 15, 25, 20
    • Solution: 25, 20, 15

Example 6: Cookies Baked

Problem: Lily, Max, and Zoe baked 24, 18, and 30 cookies respectively. Arrange the number of cookies they baked in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Lily baked 24 cookies.
    • Max baked 18 cookies.
    • Zoe baked 30 cookies.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the numbers 24, 18, and 30.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 24, 18, and 30.
    • Diagram: 24 18 30
    • The largest number is 30.
    • The next largest number is 24.
    • The smallest number is 18.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the numbers are 30, 24, and 18.
    • Diagram: 30 > 24 > 18
  6. Conclusion:
    • Zoe baked the most cookies (30).
    • Lily baked the next most cookies (24).
    • Max baked the fewest cookies (18).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Cookies:
  2. Comparing Cookies:
  3. Descending Order:

Example 7: Toy Cars Owned

Problem: Sam, Jenny, and Alex have 15, 28, and 22 toy cars respectively. Arrange the number of toy cars they have in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Sam has 15 toy cars.
    • Jenny has 28 toy cars.
    • Alex has 22 toy cars.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the numbers 15, 28, and 22.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 15, 28, and 22.
    • Diagram: 15 28 22
    • The largest number is 28.
    • The next largest number is 22.
    • The smallest number is 15.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the numbers are 28, 22, and 15.
    • Diagram: 28 > 22 > 15
  6. Conclusion:
    • Jenny has the most toy cars (28).
    • Alex has the next most toy cars (22).
    • Sam has the fewest toy cars (15).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Toy Cars:
  2. Comparing Toy Cars:
  3. Descending Order:

Example 8: Scores in a Video Game

Problem: Emma, Liam, and Oliver scored 1200, 1800, and 1500 points in a video game respectively. Arrange their scores in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Emma scored 1200 points.
    • Liam scored 1800 points.
    • Oliver scored 1500 points.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the scores 1200, 1800, and 1500.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 1200, 1800, and 1500.
    • Diagram: 1200 1800 1500
    • The largest score is 1800.
    • The next largest score is 1500.
    • The smallest score is 1200.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the scores are 1800, 1500, and 1200.
    • Diagram: 1800 > 1500 > 1200
  6. Conclusion:
    • Liam scored the most points (1800).
    • Oliver scored the next most points (1500).
    • Emma scored the fewest points (1200).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Scores:
  2. Comparing Scores:
  3. Descending Order:

Example 9: Pages Read

Problem: Mark, Susan, and Tim read 50, 35, and 45 pages of a book respectively. Arrange the number of pages they read in descending order.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Understand the Problem:
    • Mark read 50 pages.
    • Susan read 35 pages.
    • Tim read 45 pages.
  2. Identify the Numbers:
    • We have the numbers 50, 35, and 45.
  3. Arrange in Descending Order:
    • Descending order means starting with the largest number and going down to the smallest.
  4. Compare the Numbers:
    • Compare 50, 35, and 45.
    • Diagram: 50 35 45
    • The largest number is 50.
    • The next largest number is 45.
    • The smallest number is 35.
  5. Arrange the Numbers:
    • In descending order, the numbers are 50, 45, and 35.
    • Diagram: 50 > 45 > 35
  6. Conclusion:
    • Mark read the most pages (50).
    • Tim read the next most pages (45).
    • Susan read the fewest pages (35).

Visual Representation:

  1. Original Pages:
  2. Comparing Pages:
  3. Descending Order:

Practice Problems:

  1. Problem: Three friends scored 67, 89, and 75 in a test. Arrange the scores in descending order.
    • Numbers: 67, 89, 75
    • Solution: 89, 75, 67
  2. Problem: A farmer harvested 400, 600, and 500 apples from three trees. Arrange the numbers in descending order.
    • Numbers: 400, 600, 500
    • Solution: 600, 500, 400

Tips for Solving:

  • Always start with the largest number and go down to the smallest.
  • Use visual aids like diagrams or pictures to help compare the sizes.
  • Practice with different sets of numbers to get better at arranging in descending order.


Explaining descending order word problems with diagrams can make the concept clearer for kids. Using visual aids and step-by-step solutions helps them understand how to compare and arrange numbers from largest to smallest.

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