Multiplying Exponents with Square Roots In this tutorial, we will learn the multiplication of exponents, where bases have a square root. When multiplying square roots that contain exponents, we can rewrite the term with a rational exponent. The square root of a positive number (√a) can be expressed as a rational exponent and (√a) = […]

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Real Numbers – Definition and Examples In this tutorial, we will learn all about real numbers. What are Real Numbers? Real numbers are the set of rational and irrational numbers in number system. Real Number Definition Real numbers are union of rational and irrational numbers. Real numbers can be represented on number line and all […]

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Square Root of a Number The inverse (opposite) operation of addition is subtraction and the inverse operation of multiplication is division. Similarly, The “square root” is the inverse operation of squaring that number. Square root of a number is number itself.            Square of 1 = 1 x 1 = 1 = 12     […]

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Cube Root – Definition – Examples The Cube root of a number, is a number when multiply three times gives that number. Symbolic form of Cube Root is  ∛  ∛  is the radical symbol of root. The little threerepresents that it is cube root. The value of Index is 3, the Radicand is 8 and Radical symbol is […]

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Cube Root by Factorisation Method In this lesson we will learn prime factorisation of the numbers and their cubes. Before we study how to calculate cube root by prime factorisation we will see, What is prime number, prime factorisation, cube root and cube numbers. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1, with exactly two […]

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