Basic Multiplication For Kids Explaining basic multiplication to kids can be fun and engaging if we break it down into simple steps and use visual aids. Here’s a detailed explanation: What is Multiplication? Multiplication is a way of adding the same number multiple times. It’s like repeated addition. For example, if we have 3 groups […]

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Arithmetic is one of the oldest and elementary branch of mathematics that deals with study of numbers and basic operation on numbers. History of Arithmetic The term arithmetic comes from the ancient Greek word ‘Airthmos’ which means numbers, but people began doing arithmetic long before the Greek. What is Arithmetic? Arithmetic is branch of mathematics […]

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How to find Percentage of a given Number Finding the percentage of a given number involves determining what part of the number corresponds to a specific percentage. Here’s a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to calculate it: Step-by-Step Process Understand the Problem: Let’s say we want to find 20% of 50. Convert the Percentage to […]

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Basic Word Problems With Solution Here are a few basic word problems along with detailed solutions: These problems cover basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, providing practical examples for better understanding. Problem 1: Simple AdditionProblem: Sarah has 5 apples. She buys 3 more apples. How many apples does she have now? […]

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Rational Numbers Between Two Rational Numbers Rational numbers are numbers which can be expressed in the form of p and q where q ≠ 0. We can find unlimited rational numbers between two rational numbers. A number between two rational numbers can be a rational number or a whole number. When we find whole number […]

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Division of Two Rational Numbers In this tutorial, we will learn, division of rational numbers. Rational numbers are written as fractions, therefore to divide a given rational number by another rational number, we have to multiply the given rational number by the reciprocal of the second rational number. Let a/b is a rational number then […]

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Lines of symmetry in a regular Dodecagon Line of Symmetry A shape may have more than one line of symmetry depending on its angles and the lengths of each side. For example, a rectangle has two lines of symmetry because it can be folded in half both horizontally and vertically to create mirror images. A […]

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Complex Numbers – Definition and Examples Complex Numbers The concept Complex numbers was first used in 1st century by a Greek mathematician Alexandria, when he tried to find the square root of a negative number. After that in 16th century complex number was define by Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano, in the process of finding the […]

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