Multiply Fractions with Mixed numbers

What is a mixed fraction

A “Mixed Fraction” is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction.

A Mixed Fraction also called a mixed number.

Example 5 1/4 is a mixed fraction, where 5 is a whole number and 1/4 is a proper fraction.

How to multiply fractions with mixed numbers

Let us see the steps to multiply a given fraction with a mixed number with an example.

Example: multiply 5 1/4 x 2/3

Step 1: Change the given mixed fraction into improper fraction.

Here, 5 is a whole number and 1/4 is a proper fraction. So, we change 5 1/4 into improper fraction i.e., [(4 x 5) + 1]/ = 21/4

Step2: Multiply the numerators and denominators of the given fraction and improper fraction separately.

Now, multiply both numerators and denominators separately i.e., 21/4 x 2/3 = 42/12

Step 3: Simplify/reduce the answer if needed/possible.

In this step we simplify the obtain fraction i.e., 42/12 = 7/2

Step4: If the product is an improper fraction, we will convert it into a mixed fraction.

The product is an improper fraction 7/2, so we will convert it into a mixed fraction.

7/2 =3 1/2

Example: multiply 2/5 x 3 1/5

2/5 x 3 1/5 = 2/5 x [(5 x 3) + 1]/5 Change mixed fraction into improper fraction

= 2/5 x [(15 + 1)/5] = 2/5 x 16/5

= 2/5 x 16/5 multiply both fractions

= (2/5 x 16/5)

= 32 /25

= 1 7/25 change improper fraction into mixed fraction

∴ 2/5 x 3 1/5 = 1 7/25

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