Comparing – Unit Fractions

Unit fractions are fractions in which numerator(top of the number) of the fraction is 1 and denominator(bottom number) of the fraction is a whole number.

Example: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/12, and so on.

In a unit fraction, the numerator is always 1.

In a fraction, denominator shows the number of equal parts of an item are divided into a whole number. 

So, we have to look at the denominator to decide which fraction is bigger.

When we compare unit fractions, if denominator is bigger, then unit has been split into more parts.

If Denominator is bigger then, unit is divided in more parts and hence it results in smaller fractions.

If Denominator is smaller then, unit is divided in e less parts and hence it results in bigger fractions.

‘9 is bigger than 3’ so 1/3 is greater than 1/9.

1/3 > 1/9

Now, we compare the unit fractions one half and one third.

1/2 means 1 divide into 2 parts

1/3 means 1 divide into 3 parts

‘3 is bigger than 2’ so 1/2 is greater than 1/3.

We can see that 1/2 is bigger than 1/3.

1/2 > 1/3

We can compare the size of each unit fraction using a fraction wall.

Bigger the denominator of the fraction, more parts the unit has been divided into.

Smaller the denominator of the fraction, less parts the unit has been divided into.

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